Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bees to School

Lee & Domisty- beekeepers

One of our favorite things to do is to educate the public especially children and teenagers about not only our farm but agriculture in general. On several occasions we have gone to elementary schools and talked about our farm, we have been involved on various panels, we participated at a Earth Day celebration at a local community college, and have had public farm tours as well as private tours on the farm. So when our oldest son asked if we would come to his school to talk to his class about bees we said as long as his teacher agreed we would come. His teacher was thrilled and wanted to know if we would talk to all 4 kindergarten classes and of course we did.

It's always a lot of fun to see the students reactions and hear the questions that they ask. I think every student told us a story about their mom/dad/sister/brother/cousin/grandparent getting stung by a bee. My favorite was the little boy who said his mom had to chase the bees away because his dad would not get off the couch!! You never know what the kids tell at school.......

Lee talking to local elementary students

Lee talking to local elementary students

The Observation Hive- thanks Buddy!

Our model wearing a beekeeping veil & gloves

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