Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tips for Cooking Grass Fed Beef

Here are a few recommendations when cooking grass-fed beef.

1. Never use a microwave to thaw your grass fed beef.

2. Bring your grass fed meat to room temperature before cooking.

3. Always pre-heat your oven, pan or grill before cooking grass fed beef.

4. The main reason for tough grass fed beef is overcooking.

5. Steaks are intended for rare to medium cooking. If you like well-done beef, then cook grass fed beef cut in smaller pieces at very low temperatures in a sauce to add moisture.

6. Grass fed beef has high protein and low fat levels. The beef usually will require at least 30% less cooking time and will continue to cook when removed from heat. For this reason, remove the beef from your heat source about 10 degrees before it reaches the desired temperature.

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