Tuesday, January 10, 2012

WTF- Happy New Year

Wild Turkey Farms News- Happy New Year!!!

We'll it's hard to believe that the holidays have come and gone, the house is a mess, the kids are still out of school, and we've had a week of seemingly not getting a damn thing done around the farm but it's been fun. We've spent the last couple days, like many of you I'm sure, reflecting on 2011 and how it somehow flew by. Spring CSAs, winter markets, summer markets, new markets, old markets, summer drought, fall rains, the great goose round up, farm tours, farm dinner, thanksgiving turkeys, Christmas BBQ, and many, many customers which we consider friends and family- seems like too much to have gone through in a mere 365days. In just another 72+/- hours we'll get to start all over and do it again for 2012. Now that Christmas break is behind us it's time to dive into the seed & poultry catalogs to work on orders, and hit the spreadsheets to plan out 2012.

It's truly been a blessing to be able to do what we do and have such a great family of customers to support us so from the bottom of our hearts- THANK YOU ALL!!!


As always, we are around the farm during the week so you are welcome to give us a call and come out. 704-202-9348

We'll be back at the Davidson Farmers Market on January 14 (9-noon)

Salisbury Farmers Market is done for the winter but we're working on some alternatives so stay tuned

Elizabeth Market is done for the winter but we'll be back in the spring. We're still making deliveries to restaurants so if you need an order shoot us an email and we'll get with you somehow.

We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.
Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte
Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM
300 East Restaurant- Charlotte
Whiskey Warehouse- Charlotte
Black Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain
Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte
The Sweetest Thing- Salisbury
Salisbury Wine Shop- Salisbury
Bread Riot - Salisbury

Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.

Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie
Wild Turkey Farms LLC
China Grove, NC

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