Wild Turkey Farms News- April 27
I guess we've survived another late frost without any major damage, let's just hope that's the end of them. Have a great weekend and come visit us at the market!
Just to give everyone a heads up- we are no longer accepting the wooden debit card ($5) tokens (we do still accept the $1 EBTs)- but don't worry we are now set up to accept your credit cards at our booths!
Don't forget to check out our new website http://www.wildturkeyfarms.com/
Davidson Farmers Market- (8-noon) Come load up on yummy WTF meats and fresh free range eggs!!!
- THEY'VE RELOCATED US THIS YEAR! Due to the pending construction in front of our old spot we've been moved to the lower end of the Jackson St parking lot beside our friends at Chef Charles Catering.
Elizabeth Farmers Market- We'll be there this Saturday! Again this year, space is limited so send us an order by Friday afternoon and we'll make sure we have what you want. Make sure you put in the email that it's for the EFM.
Don't forget to check out our Wild Turkey Farms Facebook page and "like" us to get the most up to date info.
We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.
Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte
Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM
300 East Restaurant- Charlotte
Whiskey Warehouse- Charlotte
The Bradford Store- Davidson
Black Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain
Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte
Salisbury Wine Shop- Salisbury
The Bread Riot- Salisbury
NoDa Brewing- Charlotte
Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.
Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie
Wild Turkey Farms LLC
China Grove, NC