Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Salisbury Pedriatric Newsletter

.....and we are thankful for a Pedriatrician that cares not only for our kids but for many kids in this area.

Health and Wellness Newsletter
Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. 
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Living without is often to live with more.
Dr. M

For all teenagers and college students interested in a new medical experience, pay attention.
Salisbury Pediatrics has opened a new wing dedicated to you. In Primetime we are only focused on your needs as an emerging adult. 
From the music when you enter, to the autonomy of your visit, we are sure that you will love a new way to see your doctor.
Quality Products
Please email me your favorite products.  I would like to share quality products with our readers. Think - car seats, toys, anything that a mother would love!
Please reply with feedback or questions here.  I will try to answer as many questions via the newsletter as possible.  As always be well and love your children!
Dr. Magryta
Go to www.salisburypediatrics.com,  if you would like to learn about Integrative Medicine or our practice
Issue: #49
November 25, 2013
Lake Davidson, NC on a cool fall morning.
Volume 3, Letter 49
November 25, 2013
To be thankful is a beautiful thing. It is arguably the most important feeling behind love.
During Thanksgiving and Christmas time, I like to reflect on the many gifts of being and American. 
Despite the dysfunction of our government, we still are so blessed to be able to work, practice our religion, pursue happiness and generally enjoy many freedoms. I want my children to be able to enjoy the same freedoms. 
Recent issues with government surveillance are disconcerting and hopefully on its way out through public dissatisfaction. I recently purchased a book on the declaration of independence 
and the constitution. I am going to have my children learn about freedom and why our 
forefathers developed laws such as the freedom of religion and freedom of the press. 
I am thankful for the right to write this newsletter and help
spread good news for your health. 
I am thankful for you all and for your children. I hope that they will grow up to be proud and thankful Americans that do not take their freedom for granted. Teach them that their gifts are best earned and not given. Teach them to love first and realize that being different is true freedom of the mind.
Finally, I am thankful to the animals that feed us and to the great local farmers who care for them. Thanks Domisty, Lee, Rosty and Charlie.
Happy Thanksgiving, 
Dr. M
Our Bodies Part 2
How are we evolving now? Lieberman asks this question in his book, The Story of the Human Body.
Natural selection and human evolution used to be slow and steady. It occurred over generations. Over the last few centuries cultural evolution has caused more pressure on humans than the typical environmental/natural shifts. We eat differently, are exposed to more and novel chemicals, we are exposed to different infectious agents, we work more passively, and so on. 
The cultural evolution is changing the environmental signals that we receive at a light speed pace. It is no longer purely Darwinian and natural. 
These cultural developments are affecting us metabolically and epigentically, positively and negatively. They are heritable by being passed on to future generations through the environment. For example, pesticides and petrochemicals can get into ground water and affect the drinking water for a whole family over time. We have not evolved genetic techniques to sufficiently evade such chemical toxicity.
These cultural influences can go both ways. Let us look at two examples that Dr. Lieberman cites: scurvy and cavities.
Scurvy is a disorder of dietary vitamin C deficiency that affects our collagen causing bleeding, neuropathy, fatigue and in extreme cases death. Cavities, tooth enamel and dentin destruction,  are the consequence of bacterial acid production through the fermentation of food on the teeth. 
Culturally, we have evolved to cure scurvy by fortifying foods with vitamin C and also make natural vitamin C foods like citrus more available. Good thing right! Now look at sugar and cavities. Ever since the farming revolution, humans have consumed increasing quantities of refined foods and sugar that promote cavity development. We have passed on the cultural evolutionary knowledge to cure one disease while starting another. 
What we end up with is a mismatch of our genome and the current environment. This is occurring more and more over the last three hundred years. As the pace of technological advance takes off exponentially, the questions of how we can handle them genetically are growing. Scurvy and cavities are minor issues in comparison to the emerging science of engineered foods, chemicals in the environment, nanotechnology...., we are starting to see data emerge that we are losing the battle and developing more disease. 
To be continued.....
Learn from the past,
Dr. M
Recipe of the Week
Turkey - cook it and enjoy it!

Be well.
Newsletter Photos
If you have any pictures of your family that you wish to share for the header of this newsletter -
please send them to:
The newsletter archive can be found in the links section.  New readers can now go back in time to learn about the future!
Copyright © 2010-2013 Christopher J. Magryta, MD. Readers, please note: The information provided in this newsletter is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for advice and treatment provided by your physician or other healthcare professional and is not to be used to diagnose or treat a health issue.

Chris Magryta
Salisbury Pediatric Associates
Touchstone Pediatrics

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