Tuesday, November 22, 2011

WTF News- November 18, 2011

There's a serious frost on the pumpkins this morning. I guess it's about time for it since we're less than a week from Thanksgiving. I spent a rainy Thursday morning unloading turkeys at the processors and I've got to say that I am SOOOO glad we are not processing turkeys on the farm this year. So in the spirit of thankfulness I wanted to share a quick recap last year's turkey day:

5:30 get up, dressed, and eat.
6:00 fire up the scalder so the water will be hot in an hour or so.
6:10 wonder where the help is???
6:15 take trailer to field and start catching turkeys before it gets too light and they become active
6:35 help shows up and we finish catching turkeys
7:00 realize fire on scalder went out & relight- clean up and get ready, send someone to Dixies for a box of coffee and Brian's Grill for biscuits.
7:30 rest of help shows up (about 9 people a mix of volunteers and paid help), fire's "hot enough" so we start
7:35 realize it wasn't hot enough and spend the next 20 minutes waiting for it to get hot while 6 people pull feathers one at a time by hand. , cuss occasionally
8:00 waters hot, helps ready, so away we go.
10:00 need more ice - send someone to store for ice, get another box of coffee too since we're in town anyway
Noon- send someone to pick up lunch and eat lunch in shifts since we're only half way done.
2pm - almost done, customers showing up to pick up birds
3pm finished processing and start clean up.
4:30 thank everyone, pay some, send everyone away and go feed.
5:30 - Oh crap! almost forgot to pick up kids from after school care
6pm - peanut butter crackers for supper, finish bagging and tagging turkeys, haul butt to Davidson of 6:30 drop off
7pm - get to Davidson, apologize for being late, take money, pass out turkeys- (in the rain at that)
7:15 - leave to head to Salisbury for 7:30 drop , get caught in traffic due to wreck on I77
7:45pm get out of Davidson
8:30pm- get to Salisbury, apologize, take money, pass out turkeys
9:30- pick up kids from grandparents eat a bite of leftovers and head home
10pm get home, put kids to bed
10:15- Decide to do something different next year.

Now you know why we outsourced processing this year. Hope everyone has a Safe & Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks to Christopher Lux for his article on Wild Turkey Farms thanksgiving turkeys.
This week stock up on those Thanksgiving Day items like smoked jowls & bacon ends for seasoning, eggs, sausage for stuffing, breakfast items for the morning after.
We have a limited supply of whole rabbits for $7.25/lb if anyone is interested in getting one please email us so we'll be sure and have enough.
We are restocked on whole chickens and will have them as well
Davidson Farmers Market (9am-noon)- Come find us in the town hall parking lot and stock up on our delicious pork, beef, chicken, and eggs.

Elizabeth Farmers Market (9:30am-noon) - We'll be back this weekend. Come stock up.

Salisbury Farmers Market_- (9am-noon)- Domisty will be back and as always space is limited so email us your order and she'll have it ready for you to pick up.

We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.
Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte
Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM/ EFM
300 East Restaurant- Charlotte
Carpe Diem Restaurant- CharlotteBlack Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain
Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte
The Sweetest Thing- Salisbury
Bread Riot Coop- Salisbury

Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.

Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie
Wild Turkey Farms LLC
China Grove, NC

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