Friday, December 2, 2011

WTF News- December 2, 2011

WTF News- December 2, 2011

Now that turkeys have come and gone for the year we've had a few days to relax, re-coop, and reload. Over Thanksgiving we managed to get away to Wilmington for 4 days of serious bonding with the in laws' couch while Domisty and her mom got some momma/daughter time and her dad got his fill of the boys. Now after the week of doing turkey related running, calling, emailing, and arithmetic I was ready for some down time. After 2 days I was caught up on a season & a half of Burn Notice, loaded up on war movies, and had about all of the cooking shows I could stand. Couple this with spending a couple nights sharing the couch with Rosty and by Friday afternoon the mental fatigue of being confined to the house was starting to show. It got so bad we had to venture out on Black Friday afternoon which was a good opportunity to catch up on some people watching. It made me glad that our business is not tied to that madness even though some of you might beg to differ on the day's we're short on eggs or late to the market. At least none of our great customers have resorted to pepper spraying each other to get the last pack of pork chops (please don't get any ideas). Saturday Rosty and I ventured out on a father/ son kayaking trip on the Cape Fear river in which we ended up walking barefoot around one of the dredge islands looking for shark teeth and having a great time. All in all it is nice to escape for a while and come back recharged and ready to get back to work- cause God knows it's there waiting on us to return.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and all the great comments on the turkeys this year. We really enjoy the encouragement.

This weekend we will start taking orders for WTF Smoked Pork Shoulders for Christmas. We're teaming up with our friends that bbq the pig at our farm dinner in October to smoke our delicious pork shoulders so you don't have to cook for Christmas (or at least don't have to cook as much). The cost is $70 each for shoulders that will run 13-15lbs each and should feed up to 20-25 people. These will be slow cooked over wood coals all morning and be ready for pick up Christmas eve afternoon. As always the supplies are limited and when we're out, we're out so get yours early.
We have a limited supply of whole rabbits for $7.25/lb if anyone is interested in getting one please email us so we'll be sure and have enough. -Yes I'll try and remember to send some to Davidson this weekend.
We are restocked on whole chickens and will have them as well
Davidson Farmers Market (9am-noon)- Town Hall parking lot will be closed due to the Parade Saturday but don't worry- we will be in the lower parking lot near our friends at Chef Charles Catering.

Elizabeth Farmers Market - The Market is closed for the season so we will be working on an email pre-order only system. Email us your order by Friday afternoon and come by the Customshop Restaurant to pick it up between 10:30-11am Saturday morning. We will do this tomorrow and again on Saturday Dec 17.

Salisbury Farmers Market_- (9am-noon)- Domisty will be back and as always space is limited so email us your order and she'll have it ready for you to pick up.

We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.
Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte
Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM/ EFM
300 East Restaurant- Charlotte
Carpe Diem Restaurant- Charlotte
Black Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain
Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte
The Sweetest Thing- Salisbury
Bread Riot Coop- Salisbury

Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.

Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie
Wild Turkey Farms LLC
China Grove, NC

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