Wild Turkey Farms News- May 11
Mom's the word- Don't forget to come by and load up on some WTF goodies for mom's special day. Perhaps a WTF sausage and egg breakfast in bed would make her day or grill her a WTF lamb chop with some fresh farmers market veggies for a relaxing dinner.
Everyone has been asking & it's finally time to take a smoke break!!! That's right, this weekend we will be restocked on our smoked goodies. Smoked Chops, Smoked Polish & Andouille, Smoked Bacon, Maple Breakfast Links, Mild Italian Pinwheels, & Salted Fatback (it's sliced!!!)
Don't forget to check out our new website http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=86638207&msgid=709334&act=M32N&c=503134&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wildturkeyfarms.com
Davidson Farmers Market- (8-noon) Come load up on yummy WTF meats and fresh free range eggs!!!
Elizabeth Farmers Market- We will not be at Elizabeth this weekend! We will see you all 5/19
Don't forget to check out our Wild Turkey Farms Facebook page and "like" us to get the most up to date info.
We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.
Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte
Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM
300 East Restaurant- Charlotte
Whiskey Warehouse- Charlotte
The Bradford Store- Davidson
Black Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain
Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte
Salisbury Wine Shop- Salisbury
The Bread Riot- Salisbury
NoDa Brewing- Charlotte
Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.
Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie
Wild Turkey Farms LLC
China Grove, NC
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