Friday, May 25, 2012

WTF News- May 11th

Wild Turkey Farms News- May 11
Everyone has been asking & it's finally time to take a smoke break!!! That's right, this weekend we will be restocked on our smoked goodies. Smoked Chops, Smoked Polish & Andouille, Smoked Bacon, Maple Breakfast Links, Mild Italian Pinwheels, & Salted Fatback

Pepperonis and Hot Sopressata Salamis are back this week too!!!

Don't forget to check out our new website

Davidson Farmers Market- (8-noon) Come load up on yummy WTF meats and fresh free range eggs!!!

Salisbury Farmers Market-(7-noon)- We'll be back at Salisbury this morning in her usual spot. Don't risk missing out on what you want - email us your order and Domisty will have it ready to pick up at the market just make sure you put in the email that it's for pick up at SFM.

Elizabeth Farmers Market- We will not be at Elizabeth this weekend! if you want to place an order email us and i'll send it with John the Mushroom Man.

Don't forget to check out our Wild Turkey Farms Facebook page and "like" us to get the most up to date info.

We hope that you'll support some of the chefs & businesses that support us & other local farmers.

Customshop Restaurant- Charlotte

Chef Charles Catering - Charlotte/ DFM

300 East Restaurant- Charlotte

Whiskey Warehouse- Charlotte

The Bradford Store- Davidson

Black Mountain Farmers Market- Black Mountain

Know Your Farms Buying Club- Davidson/Charlotte

Salisbury Wine Shop- Salisbury

The Bread Riot- Salisbury

NoDa Brewing- Charlotte

Thanks for your support, have a great weekend, and we'll see you at the market.

Lee, Domisty, Rosty, & Charlie

Wild Turkey Farms LLC

China Grove, NC

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